Email Services Configuration – Reply & Forward Settings
Here are a few additional configurations that you can use to receive copies of the Emails that you get in your account using a Forwarding Address or BCC. Reply Tracking is also elaborated.
Forwarding Address
Reply Address
BCC Emails
Forward to assigned user
When reply tracking is disabled:
Once you are in the location, click on Settings -> Email Services
You could enter multiple forwarding email addresses here separated by a comma, e.g.,,
Forwarding address and BCC Emails work only on Mailgun and LC email, we don’t support other smtp providers
Now we have the option to Add a reply-to address. All incoming emails will be sent to that email address instead of routing to the Conversation tab.
When you reply to the leads’ email in your inbox outside the CRM, your reply will not sync back to the CRM.
This can be configured in Settings> Email Services> Reply & Forward Settings> Reply Address:
Hit Save once you have entered a Reply Address.
You will receive a Blind Carbon Copy every email that goes out from that location. This is configurable from Settings> Email Services> Reply & Forward Settings> BCC Emails
The assigned user of the lead will receive the email replies in their Email Inbox. The Email will be sent to the Email address for that user in Settings> My Staff> edit User> User Info
If you mask the sender email like, the reply-to address will show as, which is the Mailgun subdomain we set up for the location in agency Settings-> Mailgun. Replies will still appear correctly in the Sub-account’s Conversation tab.